Divisa IT is a highly innovative company, facet that has allowed us to be a step ahead in the market throughout all these years, and by extension, anticipate our customers, which undoubtedly represents a competitive advantage.

The consequence of this innovative capacity is the sustained commitment we maintain to R + D + i, to which we dedicate an important investment effort, and whose fruits in the Internet area are Proxia® technology and the sectoral solutions for integrated information portals and of services in the different areas of specialization of the company. We have important clients who have entrusted us the design of their information systems solutions on the Internet. We participate in international projects and initiatives, maintaining close relationships with Technology Centers and Universities.

We are experts in healthcare environments and have Technology and products in these environments providing interoperable solutions that solve the clinical and management problems in these environments. SaGITario, Visado, Prestaciones or derivations are products of our company that are successfully implemented in different clients.